Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Middle Kapa Haka Group

Our Year 5/6's have a new kapa haka kaiako called Whaea Paddy.  The tamariki LOVE her.  She has taught them a new himene called 'Te Atua' in only 2 weeks.  Their singing is ataahua and we are very proud and blessed to have Whaea come and share her taonga.
Here's a karaoke version of their new himene.  Learn and practise and please come and sing it to Ms Tito, Whaea Saf or Whaea Paddy.  Ka pai!

Te Atua from Team 5 PES on Vimeo.


  1. hi year 5 and 6 it me Jaylim i really like how you sing at the same time good job kappa hkaka

  2. hi year 5 and 6 its me again jaylim nice work working to gather good work keep it up

  3. hi year 5 and 6 it me william how is the best at kappa hkaka so nice work year 5 and 6 i hope you do better at kappa hkaka

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