Last Friday evening, we held our first Whanaungatanga Hui for the year. It was a great opportunity for us to meet and greet as Māori Whānau and also to celebrate the Māori New Year - Matariki.
A number of whānau attended where we introduced ourselves, talked about where we are from and who our tamariki/mokopuna are attending PES. Whānau were given booklets to read and give us feedback on how we move forward as whānau to support our kura and tamariki.
The students played in the hall with Miss Va'afusuaga looking after them or some read quietly in our school library while whānau introduced themselves in the Staffroom.
After all the korero, we had karakia and shared kai. It was lovely to meet two new whānau to the community. After our kai we cleaned up and finished our hui at 8.30pm. What an enjoyable hui. Thank you to the whānau who attended and also to the whānau who sent in their apologies. He mihi aroha ki a koe Miss Va'afusuaga for your tautoko too.
Our next Hui will be in a couple of weeks so keep Wednesday 1st July free from 5.45pm onwards. Nau mai haere mai whānau!
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