Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Para kore = Zero waste!

Room 27 and Room 16 were looking after Papatuanuku today.

'Kaitiakitanga o te Whenua'
E harikoa ana ahau i tāku ngakau mo ngā aroha me ngā awhi i roto i te kaupapa i te rā nei.
For Te Reo Maori today these 2 classes were keen to help keep Papatuanuku clean.

We split up into roopu Tahi, Rua, Toru, Wha, Rima
Each roopu was given a rubbish bag each. . .we filed out of class and swept across the field . . . down the park. . . around some corners filling our peke up with lunch wrappers, chip packets, straws, fruit peels and other interesting things.

We loved the way all these tamariki got stuck in and did their best to help keep Papatuanuku clean today by picking up rubbish where ever they could.

Too Much Tamariki ma!!

Arohanui:  Whaea Saf

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Jam Bus

I haere matou nga tauira o te kura o Pt. England ki te wharefono ki te tito e toru nga waiata tino miharo! 
tito compose 
Ka mihi kia Jam Bus mo te whai wa kia matou, me te whakapau kaha kia ea nga wawata me nga moemoea a nga tamariki.
whai wa - gave the time 
whakapau kaha putting in the efforts 
wawata me nga moemoea - dreams and aspirations
Nga mihi nui rawa atu kia Whaea Paddy raua ko Matua Aterea mo to korua tautoko awhina mai ia matou te roopu Pounamu, arohanui kia korua!!! 
koruatwo people
tautoko awhina - help, support
roopu - group
Tau ke nga mahi Pounamu!